Have you ever noticed or saw older kids wearing diapers in public?

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asked Nov 23, 2021 in AB/DL by diaper998ss (530 points)
Have you ever noticed or saw older kids wearing diapers in public?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 23, 2021 by diaperboy12 (1,200 points)
I saw a 7 year old boy at the park today who was playing on the swing and going down the slide wearing a diaper.

I could see the pampers cruisers diaper sticking out of pants today.

I admired him from a park bench and just thought about how much fun he was having and the fact that he could go potty and continue playing.

He seemed to really enjoy being in the diaper.
commented Nov 29, 2021 by diaperboy14 (390 points)
hi id love to see a photo of him
commented Dec 30, 2021 by Ts2021 (1,500 points)
Yes, but not more than once or twice a month (on average).

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