Do they make special clothes to conceal adult diapers?

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asked Nov 23, 2021 in Incontinence by Baldacci2021 (420 points)
I am almost 44 years old, and due to an impaction I had as a child and the overprescribed use of harsh laxatives (Haley's MO and Milk of Magnesia) I have bowel incontinence though I don't use these products anymore. I use the Megamax adult diapers because they work wonderfully at both containing stool and masking odor. I would like to know where I can find garments that conceal the diaper. My problem is that, no matter what, I can't hide the waist band of the diaper. I bend over and my shirt comes up. Tucking it in is useless as it slips against the diaper and gets all wrinkled and starts to feel uncomfortable as it bunches up in spots (the shirt, not the diaper.) So my question is if there are special shirts I can purchase that will do the job of concealing diapers. Though I am blind, I frequent public places, and I am very self aware. So having some sort of protection would really be helpful.

1 Answer

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answered Nov 23, 2021 by diaperboy12 (1,200 points)
They make adult sized onesies or snap crotch shirts like toddlers or babies wear over their diapers.

You can wear a onesie that snaps in the crotch which won't ride up as it covers the diaper and then you can wear a regular shirt over the onesie.

I have a onesie that I wear and it conceals the diaper.

Also maybe try wearing a slightly longer shirt so that the diaper stays concealed.

But onesies are a great option for adults, teens and kids who wear diapers and the diaper won't show as the shirt cannot ride up.

Here's a link to an adult Onesie also known as a bodysuit like toddlers or babies wear but for adults.

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