How's all my diaper lovers

+1 vote
asked Nov 20, 2021 in AB/DL by mwalker1996 (9,270 points)
Ever since the site shut down, I have been trying to keep in touch with my fellow diaper lovers. 8yearolddiaperboy, paranormaltommy, Eillotgb1, Pamperslover, and diapermouse, I hope yall doing fine. You guys can email me at [email protected].

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 20, 2021 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
Thanks for posting your email address again.

I will setup a new email account with another email provider and then email you again.

I can't seem to find diapered8yearoldboys account on here or Elliotgb1 or even diapermouse either so if you're reading this then please sign back up again.

Since I read the database is from a year ago then it would mean that anyone registered after that database was created or within this this year would've lost the account.
0 votes
answered Nov 21, 2021 by diaperwetter10 (700 points)
I'm doing okay.

I was wondering what happened to the website.

For awhile it was saying couldn't establish database connection and the later it said it was timing out etc.

I figured it was just some server problem or something and it would eventually come back up and thankfully it did even though sadly some posts and user accounts were lost.

I try to at least view the site everyday to see if any other posts are on but could not get on and I was worried if it was gonna come back up or not.

I really missed the website and those days that it was down felt like months.
0 votes
answered Nov 22, 2021 by diapermouse1 (8,370 points)
I was wondering what happened to the website and why my account was not found.

Good to see the website back up now even though my account and some others are gone.

I still haven't heard from 8yearolddiaperboy lately and hope he's doing good.

To diapered8yearoldboy if you want to respond back on the website just create another account as your account was just gone because of a database issue.

You're still welcome to sign up again.

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