I want to give up using the toilet and wear diapers all the time?

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asked Jan 1, 2021 in AB/DL by Southerndiaperboy (360 points)
I want to give up using the toilet and wear diapers all the time?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 2, 2021 by diaperboy12 (1,200 points)

That is my dream too and I wish my parents would force me into wearing diapers full time and not allow me to use the toilet.

When I move out on my own I'm not gonna use the toilet.

I want to wear diapers and use the diapers for both pee and poop and never use a toilet again.

I wish my parents would diaper punish me and treat me like a toddler.

I want to be treated like the diaper boy in the pictures below.

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