Is it possible to vomit feces?

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asked Dec 30, 2020 in Other- Health by wilsoniato (570 points)
Is it possible to vomit feces?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 30, 2020 by Kaitlyn (3,850 points)
It is possible to vomit feces which is known as fecal vomiting although the good news is fecal vomiting or vomiting of feces is also rare.

But to throw up poop you would have to have a very severe bowel obstruction and would be likely dying as a result when you do throw up poop.

I've heard of some patients in the hospital throw up poop and soon later died as a result.

Throwing up poop is known as Fecal Vomiting and In severe cases of bowel obstruction or constipation (such as those related to clozapine treatment) fecal vomiting has been identified as a cause of death.

Fecal vomiting occurs when the bowel is obstructed for some reason, and intestinal contents cannot move normally.

The most common reason vomit tastes bitter is because of acid reflux disease.

The acid reflux which is regurgitation can cause a bitter and sour taste in the mouth as well as bitter and sour tasting vomit.

Also bacteria can cause vomit to taste bitter or sour as well.

Vomiting is not always bad especially if you have the stomach flu, have been poisoned or have food poisoning etc.

The vomiting is good to help get bad things out of your stomach to help you feel better sooner.

If you need to throw up and have the stomach flu then you should throw up when possible as you'll feel much better.

Also if you or someone has swallowed some poison then you need to induce vomiting to get the poison up and out of your stomach or have your stomach pumped.

The reason humans throw up is to get rid of unwanted food, poison, bacteria etc in their stomach.

Throwing up or vomiting is a natural human defense mechanism against poison and other bacteria to help you heal and when you're sick with the flu or stomach flu then your stomach can sometimes force you to throw up to get rid of that bad food, bacteria or whatever is in your stomach that is causing you issues.

Sometimes we also throw up bile which is not always a bad thing and not always serious but sometimes throwing up bile can warrant a hospital visit because sometimes throwing up bile can be a serious health issue.

Throwing up bile is not always a bad or serious enough health issues to need to go to the hospital.

Throwing up bile is not always dangerous but if you continue throwing up bile after a few hours or a day or you cannot stop throwing up bile then go to the hospital.

In rare cases is throwing up bile dangerous but if you're worried then going to the hospital would be okay or at least go to a walk in clinic.

Throwing up bile is not always dangerous unless the throwing up of bile continues longer than a few hours or you suddenly start throwing up bile and are not sick with the flu or stomach flu.

If the vomiting of bile does not stop within a day or two then it would be best to see a doctor or go to the emergency room or urgent care just to be safe.

In some cases throwing up bile can be dangerous but not always.

Throwing up bile can sometimes be bad but not always.

It can be normal to throw up bile especially when you're vomiting because of a stomach ache, flu, food poisoning etc.

It can be normal and not a cause for concern when you throw up bile.

However in some cases throwing up bile may be a cause for concern and you should see a doctor or go to the emergency room if you continue throwing up bile.

Bile is the fluid that is created by the liver and stored in your gallbladder and when your stomach is empty and you vomit then you may throw up bile.

If you're dehydrated and throwing up bile then that is bad and you should seek medical attention or if you're not sick with a stomach flu or stomach ache and suddenly start throwing up bile then seek medical attention to be safe.

The reason vomit stinks is because vomit contains bile and stomach acids.

When you vomit that bile and stomach acid is mixed in with the vomit and vomit also contains other bacteria that makes it stink as well.

But the main cause of the stinking vomit is the bile along with the stomach acid.

The bile is what helps your body digest fatty foods but when that bile gets mixed with the vomit and stomach acid it makes the vomit stink.

Vomit also tastes bad because of the bile, stomach acid and the bacteria.

When you puke or vomit the bile comes up along with the half-digested food.

It's normal for vomit to stink and normal for bile to come up with the vomit and eventually the taste in your mouth from the vomit will go away.

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