Does anyone else like wearing diapers to bed when they don't need to?

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asked Dec 30, 2020 in AB/DL by wilsoniato (570 points)
Does anyone else like wearing diapers to bed when they don't need to?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 30, 2020 by diaperboy12 (1,200 points)

Yes I do love wearing diapers to bed even when I don't need to wear them.

However I did used to wet the bed and so my parents made me wear diapers for bed wetting and then made me wear the diapers in the day as well.

So while I no longer need to wear the diapers to bed or during the day I still do wear the diapers.

My parents made me wear just diapers around the house at night and in the day without any pants and I was dressed in just a shirt, diaper and socks.

Like the boy below in the picture.

I still like to dress like that now as wearing just a diaper and shirt and socks feels great and is a nice comfortable outfit.

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