How do I get rid of the bitter taste in my mouth?

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asked Dec 28, 2020 in Other- Health by Tomwilson (1,020 points)
How do I get rid of the bitter taste in my mouth?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 25, 2021 by Marlene99 (7,810 points)
Tips to get rid of the bitter taste in your mouth include.

Gargle with water.
Using toothpaste, brush your teeth, tongue, roof of your mouth, and gums at least two times a day.
Rinse your mouth with mouthwash.
Drink liquids, chew sugar-free gum or mints, or suck on sour candies.
Use plastic utensils if you have a bitter or metallic taste when eating.  

Having a bitter taste in your mouth can occur for many reasons ranging from simpler problems, such as poor oral hygiene, to more serious problems, such as a yeast infection or acid reflux.

Smoking cigarettes can also cause a bitter taste in the mouth, lasting a few minutes to a few hours.

A rotten or bad taste in your mouth can be caused by acid reflux disease, poor dental hygiene or gastrointestinal reflux disease.

Bad taste in your mouth or rotten taste in your mouth which is also known as dysgeusia, is a common symptom of gastrointestinal reflux disease, salivary gland infection (parotitis), sinusitis, poor dental hygiene, and can even be the result of taking certain medicines.

Taste problems can also be the result of an interrupted transfer of taste sensations to the brain or a dysfunction of the way the brain interprets these sensations.

Heartburn, or gastric reflux, is a common cause of bad taste.

Stomach acid regurgitated into the mouth produces a bad taste described as an acid or metallic taste.

An infection of one of the major salivary glands is also a common cause of bad taste.

Similarly, poor dental hygiene causes bacterial growth in the mouth that could results in a bad taste.

Another possibility is a viral infection that may damage the tongue’s sensory cells and result in changes to the sense of taste.

Other mouth or tongue disorders, including mouth ulcers, are possible causes as well.

Bad taste may also result from radiation therapy and medicines, such as antibiotics and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors.

Taste problems may take months or even years to resolve, and some changes may be permanent, especially if the mouth is a target of direct radiation therapy.

Bad taste in your mouth can be a sign of a serious condition.

Seek prompt medical care if the bad taste in your mouth is persistent or causes you concern.

Seek immediate medical care (call 911) if you experience difficulty breathing or high fever (higher than 101 degrees Fahrenheit).

Some ways to get rid of a rotten taste in your mouth or bad taste in your mouth is to gargle with some apple cider vinegar, mouthwash etc.

Other things you can do to get rid of a rotten taste in your mouth are.

Gargle with water.

Using toothpaste, brush your teeth, tongue, roof of your mouth, and gums at least two times a day.

Rinse your mouth with mouthwash.

Drink liquids, chew sugar-free gum or mints, or suck on sour candies.

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