What is the leading cause of drum brake failure?

+1 vote
asked Dec 28, 2020 in Repairs/Maintenance by Kyu876 (700 points)
What is the leading cause of drum brake failure?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 28, 2020 by Shelde (51,110 points)
The leading cause of drum brake failure is the self adjuster mechanism that can sometimes come loose.

The drum brake self adjuster is a small mechanism that's responsible for adjusting the position of the brake shoes in the brake drum as the lining wears out.

It's pretty common for the self adjuster to fail due to corrosion and either not self adjust the brake shoes out or it may even come loose and hang inside the brake drum.

The main disadvantages of drum brakes is the possibility of the drum brakes overheating during hard braking.

With drum brakes under hard braking, the diameter of the drum increases slightly due to thermal expansion, the driver then must press the brake pedal farther.

Brake shoes can then overheat to the point where they become glazed.

Excessive brake drum heating can cause the brake fluid to vaporize as well.

Older cars used to have both brake drums on the front and back before they were switched over to using disc brakes with brake pads.

Brake drums are pretty easy to change but sometimes they may be hard to get off and may require the use of a brake drum puller.

However most brake drums just slide off the brake shoes and then you need to make sure the brake shoes are adjusted to fit the new brake drums.

It's also a good idea to replace the brake shoes if needed when replacing the brake drums as well.

Brake drums usually last 100,000 to 180,000 miles and in some cases brake drums may last as long as 250,000 to 300,000 miles.

The brake drum is a very durable piece of the brake system in a vehicle and although the brake drums can wear down some and develop cracks the brake drums typically last for a long time.

The brake shoes will wear down much faster and the more you use the brakes the faster the brake shoes will wear out as they press against the brake drums to stop the vehicle.

Brake shoes typically last 30,000 miles to 50,000 miles and if it's been more than 20,000 miles since you checked your brake pads or brake shoes it would be a good idea to inspect the brake shoes and brake pads for wear.

If the brake pads or brake shoes are getting worn down then it's best to replace them especially if you're venturing out on a long road trip.

Inspect the brake rotors and brake drums for groves and cracks and if they have groves or cracks in them then they need to be replaced.

Or if they are getting thin the brake rotors or brake drums need replaced.

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