Can a child with measles take a bath?

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asked Dec 27, 2020 in Kids Health by lensofcrab (730 points)
Can a child with measles take a bath?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 28, 2020 by peter1522 (2,060 points)
A child with measles can take a bath but it's best to only fill the bathtub up with just a little warm water and do more of a sponge bath until the child's measles go away.

There's no cure for measles but the measles usually goes away on it's own and giving the child a sponge bath can help ease the symptoms of measles.

A good way to tell the difference between measles and roseola is to notice where the rash appears and what it looks like.

Measles is a condition that both children and adults get and produces a splotchy reddish rash that spreads from head to foot.

Roseola on the other hand is most common in children 2 years old and younger but sometimes adults can get it as well.

Roseola also causes a rash to form on the trunk, which spreads to the upper arms and neck and fades within days.

Roseola is not a form of measles.

Although roseola and measles seem and look similar the two are very different from each other.

Roseola mostly affects toddlers and infants while measles affects children above 2 years old and even adults.

Measles causes the person to experience splotchy reddish rash that spreads from head to foot.

Roseola is usually a mild infection that is caused by two strains of herpes virus. It's common, usually affecting children by age two.

Although adults can also get Roseola it's rare for adults to get infected with Roseola.

Measles is more common in children above age 2 and adults.

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