I like sleeping in just a diaper and T Shirt?

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asked Dec 21, 2020 in AB/DL by Fangsboy21s (430 points)
I like sleeping in just a diaper and T Shirt?

Anyone else here like to sleep in just a diaper and T Shirt?

2 Answers

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answered Dec 21, 2020 by diaperboy12 (1,200 points)
Yes I do like to sleep in just a diaper and T Shirt.

Sleeping in just a diaper and T Shirt is a more comfortable way to sleep and also wearing a diaper to bed means I don't have to get up in the middle of the night to pee.

I can just pee the diaper and go back to sleep.

I used to sleep in just my underwear but I find diapers are more comfortable to sleep in.

I prefer going to bed with an already wet diaper as the squishy wet disposable diaper feels even better than a dry one and I sleep better when wearing a wet diaper.

I have a mattress protector on my bed that I can wash so if it gets pee on it then it's not a big deal because it protects the bed and the pee can just be washed from the mattress protector.

I used to sleep in just a diaper as a toddler and I still loving doing it now.
0 votes
answered Dec 21, 2020 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
Sleeping in just a diaper and T Shirt is the best.

It's the most comfortable outfit to sleep in.

Sometimes I also love to sleep in my footed pajamas like I wore as a real toddler.

But on warm nights and on warm days I prefer to be in just my diaper and shirt or just my diaper.

I slept last night in just my diaper, shirt and socks and it felt so great.

I also lounge around the house and play in the house wearing just my diaper, shirt and socks.

It's a great feeling to wear just a diaper and wearing just a diaper around the house makes me feel more like the toddler I feel like I am.

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