Can an adult legally wear just a diaper on a public beach?

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asked Dec 21, 2020 in AB/DL by Fangsboy21s (430 points)
Can an adult legally wear just a diaper on a public beach?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 21, 2020 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
I have worn just a diaper and shirt on a public beach before and never got into trouble.

A diaper covers more than some string bikinis or other outfits that some people wear on the beach.

Toddlers wear diapers on the beach as well and so I should be able to as well.

I've had cops walk right by me and just wave at me when I was on the public beach wearing just my diaper and they said nothing to me.

I've also walked around outside in public wearing just a diaper, shirt and shoes on a hot day and nothing was said.

Although some businesses may refuse you service and want you to cover the diaper up.

But in public places it's usually okay to wear just a diaper, shirt and shoes.

I also go outside in my fenced in backyard and play outside in just my diaper and lounge around outside in my diaper as well on hot days and it feels good.

I even like to run around in just my diaper and play in the sprinkler and get wet and it's really fun.

Sleeping in just a diaper and T Shirt is the best.

It's the most comfortable outfit to sleep in.

Sometimes I also love to sleep in my footed pajamas like I wore as a real toddler.

But on warm nights and on warm days I prefer to be in just my diaper and shirt or just my diaper.

I slept last night in just my diaper, shirt and socks and it felt so great.

I also lounge around the house and play in the house wearing just my diaper, shirt and socks.

It's a great feeling to wear just a diaper and wearing just a diaper around the house makes me feel more like the toddler I feel like I am.

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