How often should you change washing machine hoses?

+1 vote
asked Dec 16, 2017 in laundry/Cleaning by martingale (260 points)
How often should you change washing machine hoses?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 16, 2017 by Shelde (51,110 points)
To be safe and prevent any flooding you should change out the washing machines hoses at least every 5 years.

And always replace the washing machine hoses with new washing machines hoses when you get a new washing machine.

Never reuse the old ones as the hoses can burst due to age and cause a huge flood and thousands of dollars of damage to your home.

When you go away from your home for longer than one day then turn the washing machine hot and cold water valves off to prevent any water damage problems should the hoses burst while you're away.

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