Is it bad to go to the bathroom 5 times a day?

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asked Dec 15, 2017 in Incontinence by NigelM (300 points)
Is it bad to go to the bathroom 5 times a day?

Why do I have to go urinate 5 times per day? I think it might be a little excessive is there anything wrong with me if I have to urinate 5 times throughout the day?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 16, 2017 by Essmann (42,860 points)
If I'm drinking a lot of liquid especially coffee I can be urinating 12 times or more in a day.

Have you been drinking anything with caffeine in it such as coffee or soda? Coffee and soda can make you urinate a lot and tea can do the same.

Your probably okay though. Some people urinate more often than others.

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