Does Colic happen at the same time everyday?

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asked Dec 16, 2020 in Baby/Newborn by Martyblankensaw (710 points)
Does Colic happen at the same time everyday?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 31, 2020 by maahsan (870 points)
Colic does usually happen at the same time everyday.

During colic the baby will usually have excessive crying at the same time everyday.

Excessive crying in newborns up to 4 months of age is a common sign of colic in babies.

Eventually the baby does outgrow the colic by 4 to 5 months of age.

Babies with colic will tend to cry much more than normal such as crying excessively, often at the same time of day usually in the late afternoon or evening.

Babies normally cry when they're wet, dirty, hungry, scared or even tired but excessive crying can be a sign of colic in babies.

Colic usually occurs in babies 2 to 3 weeks of age and usually happens when swallowing too much air.

Some things you can try to treat a baby with colic is to lay the baby across your lap and gently rub his/her back, Swaddle him/her snugly in a blanket, Lay him/her on his back in a dark, quiet room, Soak him/her in a warm bath or try giving the baby with colic a pacifier to suck on.

The crying of a colicky baby will often seem discomforting, intense and as if the baby is in pain.

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