What is the purpose of a dugout?

0 votes
asked Dec 15, 2020 in Baseball by raisear90943 (520 points)
What is the purpose of a dugout?

2 Answers

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answered Dec 15, 2020 by Shelde (51,110 points)
The purpose of a dugout is to allow the players to sit while waiting for their turn at the baseball game.

It's a shelter for the baseball team to sit while they wait for their turn at the baseball game and then when other baseball players are done they return to the dugout while another baseball player in the dugout leaves the dugout to play on the baseball team game.

The meaning of a dugout in baseball is that the dugout is the baseball teams bench that is located in foul territory between home plate and either first or third base.

At baseball fields where baseball is played there are usually 2 dugouts which one dugout is for the home baseball team and the other dugout is for the visiting baseball team.

The baseball dugout is the area that is reserved for one team to sit while players wait for their turn at bat.

Each baseball team has its own dugout.

It's called a dugout because dugouts were usually a bit below ground that was dugout and allowed the people watching to see over the dugout.

The dugout is a shelter for the baseball team to sit in.
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