Why are human bites worse than animal bites?

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asked Dec 14, 2020 in Other- Health by RobertWitham (720 points)
Why are human bites worse than animal bites?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 28, 2020 by peter1522 (2,060 points)
The reason a human bite is usually worse than an animal bite is the human mouth can contain bacteria worse than a dogs mouth that can infect the person who has been bitten by the human.

You're less likely to get infected with any bacteria from a dogs bite to your human skin than you would if a human biting you.

Animal bites however can be much worse than a human bite though because an animal may be able to bite through your skin with more force than a human could.

For example a dog could likely maul your face and kill you while a human would be unlikely to bite hard enough to kill you by mauling you.

Dogs such as Pit Bull dogs could cause serious damage to a human and especially a baby, toddler or young kid.

So in that case the dog bite would be much worse than a human bite.

Also dogs can carry rabies which can cause health issues with the human that they bite and could kill the human with rabies if you don't get a rabies shot.

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