Is it legal to wear just a diaper and T Shirt Outside?

0 votes
asked Dec 12, 2020 in AB/DL by diaperboy12 (1,200 points)
Is it legal to wear just a diaper and T Shirt Outside?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 12, 2020 by diaperwetter10 (700 points)
In most places wearing just a diaper and T Shirt outside in public is legal.

However it can be seen as indecent and may get you in trouble for indecency even though you're covered up.

I would not recommend going out in public wearing just a diaper and shirt as it could get the cops called on you and also if you go into a store with just a diaper and T Shirt then you may be asked to leave.

In your own yard that is fenced in then yes it would be okay to go outside wearing just a T Shirt and diaper.

But in public places it's best to keep the diaper covered up as not everyone wants to see that.

Think of the actual kids around who see you like that.

I would not wear just a diaper and T Shirt outside in public just out of respect for others even if it's legal.

I do go outside in my fenced in back yard wearing just my diaper and shirt and shoes on warm days.

But I would not want to go out in public like that.

I used to go in public with just a diaper and shirt as an actual baby and toddler but now I just don't do it because it's really not the right thing to do.
commented Feb 16, 2023 by Ursula234 (110 points)
It's time for that to change. Learn to be yourself without the fear judgment of others.
commented Feb 16, 2023 by Ursula234 (110 points)
An adult can wear a diaper, a onesie, and a pacifier in his or her mouth. There's nothing wrong with that.
–1 vote
answered Dec 12, 2020 by Kaptainkanda (12,640 points)
It would not be illegal to wear just a diaper and T Shirt outside but some places may have dress codes such as in stores, malls etc.

Those places can make you leave and tell you to put some clothes on over the diaper if you are allowed to return to those places.

It's unlikely you'd get into trouble walking around town in just a diaper and shirt but it's still not the right thing to do.

You may get made fun of, have pictures taken of you, could get beat up etc.

And it's not a good thing for most people to see nor does everyone want to see a teen or adult wearing just a diaper in public.

Heck I don't even like to see babies or toddlers out wearing just a diaper as I think it's tacky and we don't want to see the diaper.
commented Feb 16, 2023 by Ursula234 (110 points)
Adults can wear a diaper and t-shirt out in public. If babies can do that, so can adults. No rules or laws against it.
0 votes
answered Dec 14, 2020 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
edited Dec 14, 2020 by Pamperslover
An adult or teen or older kid wearing just a diaper outside is legal.

I wear just a diaper outside sometimes myself and it feels great.

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