Is Oddbods good for toddlers?

+1 vote
asked Dec 9, 2020 in Television by Caledonia (890 points)
Is Oddbods good for toddlers?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 10, 2020 by liana (37,450 points)
The show Oddbods is good for toddlers and it's a show aimed at preschoolers.

The cartoon Oddbods is okay for toddlers and preschoolers and has fun and creative characters, but some of the Oddbod characters are mischievous and create minor conflicts.

In the oddbods show there are some mild disagreements, pushing, and some humorously harrowing moments, but everything always ends well.

My 2 year old son watches Oddbods and it's okay for him.

I also love the show and it always makes me laugh and so I think the Oddbods show is good for for anyone of any age although it's aimed at little kids and toddlers.

It's actually one of the best toddler shows that adults and older kids and teens can even enjoy.

When I need a laugh I watch the Oddbods and it gets me out of a depressive state.

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