What happens to medical bills when you die?

+1 vote
asked Dec 14, 2017 in Insurance by Ilziane (310 points)
What happens to medical bills when you die?

If you have medical bills that are unpaid then what happens to the unpaid medical bills once you die?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 14, 2017 by Adf289 (59,990 points)
Usually if you own any property and you haven't willed or gifted it to family then the property such as your house and other possessions will likely be sold to pay off the debt.

If you've gifted the house that you own or your other possessions then there's not much that the debt collectors can do to get the medical bills paid once the person is deceased.

So basically the debt collector will be out of luck in getting the money.

Debt collectors purchase your debt for pennies on the dollar so the debt collector isn't losing much money.

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