Is it cheaper to use an electric heater or central heating?

+1 vote
asked Dec 11, 2017 in Other-Home/Garden by Wiredzero (310 points)
Is it cheaper to use an electric heater or central heating?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 12, 2017 by Carter3 (12,290 points)
Electric space heaters consume 1500 watts per hour which is a lot of power and could cost 17 cents per hour for the little heat they produce.

An electric space heater alone would struggle to keep one room warm by itself especially if the temperatures are in the freezing range.

I would just use the central heating and stay warmer for a little more cost.

If you try to heat your whole house with electric space heaters then you could be spending $7.00 a day or more.

Central heating would be cheaper in that regard.

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