Why is 8 year old son still soiling and wetting himself?

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asked Nov 26, 2020 in Grade Schooler by Phyllisjias (680 points)
Why is 8 year old son still soiling and wetting himself?

My 8 year old son is suddenly wetting his pants and pooping his pants and I have put my 8 year old son back in diapers because of the wetting and pooping of his pants.

I make my 8 year old son wear diapers all the time now and he no longer is allowed to use the toilet for at least a year.

He seems to enjoy pooping and peeing his diaper and so I make him wear just the diaper around the house and treat him like a baby.
commented Feb 1, 2022 by paratom (9,050 points)
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1 Answer

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answered Nov 26, 2020 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
You should make your 8 year old son wear diapers all the time.

Since you said he seems to be enjoying wearing the diapers and pooping them and peeing them you should keep your 8 year old son in diapers.

Diapers are much better than the toilet anyway and if he wants to poop a diaper or pee a diaper then he should be able to do so.

Your 8 year old son is probably a diaper love because I was a diaper love at age 5 and would poop my pants and pee my pants so that my parents would hopefully put me back in diapers.

It's good that you're not letting your 8 year old son use a toilet for at least a year but you should also make your son wear diapers all the time until he's at least 18 and ban him from the toilet.

Also make sure to change his diapers as well and don't allow him to change his own diapers.

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