I need you advice.

0 votes
asked Nov 21, 2020 in Employment & Careers by Zolton (500 points)

Does anyone know how to avoid scams? I need you advice.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 21, 2020 by Cody Powell (2,080 points)

Oh, such an interesting question. Unfortunately, there are many scammers on the Internet. Each of them wants to trick you and steal as much money as possible. Anyway, I have a way out of this situation. That is a useful article about online dating scams https://fraud-hunter.com/en/top-10-online-scams-you-wont-fall-for/ This website will be helpful for you because you won't fall for after reading this article. In my view, it is one of the best sites where you can find useful information. Keep an eye on it

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