Does wearing diapers for bed wetting lead to more bed wetting?

+2 votes
asked Dec 2, 2017 in Bed Wetting by eileen (230 points)
Does wearing diapers for bed wetting lead to more bed wetting?

If someone wears a diaper to bed for bedwetting does wearing diapers to bed for bed wetting lead to the person or child wetting the bed more?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 3, 2017 by Larry S (42,350 points)
Some people think that wearing diapers does lead to more bed wetting. The reason I've heard them say this is because they think it makes the child lazy and tells them it's okay to continue to wet the bed.

I disagree with this statement. Bed wetting is something a child cannot control so whether they wear the diaper or not the child will still wet the bed.

If the child is willing to wear a diaper to bed then you should let your child wear the diaper for bed wetting as it will make them more comfortable instead of waking up in a wet cold bed and clothes.

The diaper will not make bed wetting worse since bed wetting occurs due to the bladder not growing at the same rate of the child.
0 votes
answered Dec 4, 2017 by Carl c (290 points)
Diapers do not increase bed wetting in children or adults. Bed wetting is caused by problems with the bladder and a diaper will help with preventing wet clothes and beds.

There's no way a child or adult wearing a diaper would cause the child or adult to wet the bed more.

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