Have you cheated with assignments from your superiors?

0 votes
asked Nov 20, 2020 in Employment & Careers by Arafen (140 points)

Of course not) But I cheated with the presentation) I never had problems with texts and stories, but I had problems with laziness and self-confidence. Therefore, I began to select images for the presentation in the last two days and realized that I don't have time and I don’t understand how to do them at all) But they helped me, this resource for my question "need help with powerpoint presentation" took it and did everything in the best possible way and not very expensive) I was expelled later of course, but not for this reason))

4 Answers

+1 vote
answered Nov 20, 2020 by Hemuladga (3,180 points)
Yes I have cheated with assignments in the workplace from superiors and it did not always work out best for me.

Cheating on assignments from superiors may help you when you're not sure about something.

But then again your superiors may actually be wrong on their assignments as well.

There was one time I cheated on an assignment from one of my superiors in the workplace and it turned out bad for me because he was wrong on his assignments.

So it's best not to cheat and do the studying yourself.
0 votes
answered Nov 29, 2021 by Djonatan (2,260 points)

I wasn't tricky with my assignments in college, but now, if I need to prepare a report or a public speech, then I prefer to apply for professional presentation services in special companies that specialize in this. It seems to me that such services are really easier to pay than to deal with it yourself.

0 votes
answered Feb 13, 2022 by Jeraldo (4,900 points)

I am so glad that there is a service for writing assignments of any complexity https://www.nerdywriters.co.uk/ with which it is easy and pleasant, and most importantly, it is safe to cooperate. When I need an essay, laboratory work or term paper, and I, for various reasons unable to make them myself, I turn to them. Authors with higher academic education write for me quickly and efficiently.

0 votes
answered May 8, 2022 by Ramada (1,780 points)
edited May 9, 2022 by Ramada

Thanks for sharing your experience. I also use helper services if I can't handle the phd research paper but I didn't want to tell anyone about it so they wouldn't accuse me of getting good grades dishonestly. But I'm glad to read that I'm not the only one and it's probably okay to ask for help if we can't handle a task on our own.

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