My chainsaw loses power and will not stay running?

+1 vote
asked Nov 30, 2017 in Maintenance/Repairs by John B (160 points)
My chainsaw loses power and will not stay running?

I have a Ryobi chainsaw that I bought last year and have used it to cut a lot of firewood already. But now when I go to use the chainsaw it is hard to start and I have to leave it on choke for it to stay running and then after about a minute of running on choke I open the choke and it stays running.

That is until I start pressing the trigger for the throttle. It picks up speed but then it starts to bog down and dies out?

I was hoping the chainsaw would last longer than one year. Is there any hope for this chainsaw to be fixed again?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2017 by Mechanic21 (29,150 points)
If your chainsaw bogs down first make sure that the gas is good and not over 30 days old. Old gas goes stale and doesn't allow the engine to get full power.

Of course the gas could also be more than 30 days old at the gas station where you bought the gas.

Next check the spark plug to see if it may be fouled. You might want to change the spark plug out anyway and see if it makes a difference.

Water can also be a culprit on a chainsaw. I had gotten water droplets in my gas can and when I drained my chainsaw gas from the chainsaw you could see water droplets in the jar I put the gas in.

I put fresh gas in and it ran okay once all the water droplets were gone.

Carbon buildup on the exhaust side screen could also be a culprit. If none of that fixes it then you might need to take the chainsaw in to get a carb adjustment or tune up unless you can adjust the carb yourself.

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