If 2021 is as good as 2020 was bad, what will we see happen in 2021?

0 votes
asked Nov 17, 2020 in Polls/Surveys by mulletmygullet (530 points)
If 2021 is as good as 2020 was bad, what will we see happen in 2021?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 17, 2020 by Sanabria (1,440 points)
I do believe that the year 2021 is gonna be near as bad if not worse than 2020.

For example my bank was allowing customers in the lobby with a face mask on but now as we're nearing the end of 2020 the bank has closed the lobbies and you have to either make an appointment to come in the lobby or use the drive through.

Also we still will be wearing masks in public for at least until 2021 to 2024.

Eventually this pandemic will end but it's just gonna take some time.

The economy is still not gonna fully recover for at least likely another 10 years.

So maybe by 2030 which is 10 years from now the economy will be recovered and we'll be back to having more jobs and income.

But for now it's gonna be a downhill thing but we will slowly recover.

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