I hate when people say they're in a better place now when someone dies?

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asked Nov 17, 2020 in Religion & Spirituality by mulletmygullet (530 points)
I hate when people say they're in a better place now when someone dies?

When someone dies why do people say that the dead person is in a better place now?

For example when my Grandma died I was told that she was in a better place?

I hate when people say that about dead people because being dead is not in a better place.

1 Answer

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answered Nov 17, 2020 by Sanabria (1,440 points)
I hate the saying of they are in a better place too.

When someone dies they are not in a better place because they are either cremated or they are buried in the ground.

How is being cremated or being 6 feet under the ground and trapped in a casket a better place to be?

I cannot understand that.

Unless the person really hated living like some people do.

Then to them they would rather be 6 feet under or not exist anymore.

But for someone who loves life and dies they are not in a better place.

There's no heaven, hell etc.

We all just die and are no longer around.

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