Why does my dryer keep tripping the breaker?

+1 vote
asked Nov 25, 2017 in Maintenance/Repairs by Lknui (220 points)
Why does my dryer keep tripping the breaker?

Every time I start my electric dryer up the breaker trips off 10 minutes later. It continues to trip the breaker?
Why is my electric dryer tripping the circuit breaker all the time?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2017 by Mechanic21 (29,150 points)
If your electric dryer is tripping the breaker then it can either be the dryer itself or a weak breaker.

If you can replace the breaker with a new one if the breaker is old and see if that fixes the problem. If not then it's something in your electric dryer causing an overload.

Your electric dryer could be on the way out and it's probably drawing way too many amps that the breaker can't handle and the breaker is shutting the electricity off like it should.

If your dryer is getting old 9 or 10 years and the breaker is tripping it could be that the dryer has just about worn out and you need a new one.
0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2017 by Jodie (35,100 points)
I would say your dryer is at fault for the circuit breaker tripping since I had the same problem a dryer I had for 6 years.

The dryer would work fine for around 10 minutes and then the breaker would trip. I had an electrician out and he put an amp meter over my dryer cord and he said it was drawing too much amperage and that the dryer would need fixed or replaced.

I had him replace the aging breaker anyway since he was there and I paid a service call. The breaker was fine but might as well replace it.

After he replaced the breaker the dryer even tripped the new breaker so that's when he decided to check the dryer and said it was pulling to many amps due to the heating element going bad in the dryer.

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