In 1 gallon there are 8.35 lbs of weight.
There are 128 ounces in 1 gallon.
1 gallon of water or other liquid contains 128 ounces.
2 gallons of water or other liquid contains 256 ounces.
Just multiply 128 ounces by the number of gallons to get the answer.
There's always 128 ounces in every gallon of water or other liquid.
For every 1 gallon of water or other liquid there are 128 ounces.
So if you have 1 gallon of water you have 128 ounces of water.
That would mean that it would take 16 cups that are 8 ounces in size to make 1 gallon of water since 16 times 8 is 128.
So if you have 1 gallon of water you can get sixteen 8 ounce cups of water out of 1 gallon of water.