What country has the youngest marriage age?

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asked Nov 7, 2020 in Divorce & Marriage by Sethbulocks (3,080 points)
What country has the youngest marriage age?

2 Answers

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answered Nov 7, 2020 by Jodie (35,100 points)
The country that has the lowest marriage is Estonia.

Estonia is the country that has the lowest marriage age in Europe with teenagers able to get hitched at 15 with parental approval.

However with parents consent even those 16 and up can get married in most of the USA.

However both the bride and grooms parents must consent to the marriage and not just one set of parents.

If both parents of the bride and groom do not consent to the marriage then they cannot get married until they turn age 18 or get emancipated.

You can get emancipated from your parents which makes you legally responsible for anything you do and then you don't need your parents consent.

But if not you need to wait until age 18 to get married without parents consent.
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answered Jul 8, 2022 by RobertPolson (3,920 points)

I have never been amused by such requests. I believe that there is an age when people are active in matters of relationships but it all starts much later than 20 years. It's my opinion. I believe that only mature people can understand the joy of sex and free dates. I usually come to maturesfor fuck. There is the largest community of those who are not against real dating and dating here and now.

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