How many delivery vehicles does FedEx have?

+1 vote
asked Nov 7, 2020 in FedEx by Sethbulocks (3,080 points)
How many delivery vehicles does FedEx have?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 7, 2020 by Andrewwilliams (1,140 points)
FedEx has more than 100,000 delivery vehicles that cover millions of miles per year.

The amount of FedEx delivery vehicles FedEx has includes semi trucks, semi trailers, planes, delivery trucks, delivery vans etc.

I've noticed that FedEx is using regular vans to delivery packages in to most residential addresses instead of the larger trucks they used to use.

The vans are more comfortable and more fuel efficient as well.

FedEx has also gotten some new new Chanje vans which are expected to save FedEx about 2,000 gallons of fuel and avoid 20 tons of emissions per vehicle each year over its standard package vans.

When you run a lot of vehicles and purchase a lot of diesel and gasoline for those delivery vehicles that savings can add up to a huge amount of savings.

That 2,000 gallons of fuel can equal around $4,000.00 per year per vehicle which adds up to millions of dollars of savings when you factor into how many vehicles the FedEx company has.

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