What does Porky Pig say?

+1 vote
asked Nov 1, 2020 in Celebrities by DarkSatar (710 points)
What does Porky Pig say?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 1, 2020 by captainfishie (1,350 points)
Porky Pig says that's all folk's at the end of his show.

Bugs Bunny also says That's All Folk's at the end of the show but Porky Pig is who originally said it before Bugs Bunny.

But then Bugs Bunny started saying it at the end of the show as well.

At the end of the Bugs Bunny Show, Bugs Bunny Says That's All Folks.

I can remember that from my childhood when watching Bugs Bunny as a kid.

I used to go around that same thing that Bugs Bunny would say.

Bugs Bunny is still one of my favorite cartoons to watch now as an adult.

I'm still a kid inside and heck bugs bunny is for everyone anyway.

Bugs Bunny is a classic cartoon that many people have enjoyed for years and still enjoy.

I can watch Bugs Bunny Episodes from years ago and they still make me laugh a lot.

They never get old.

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