How long does it take a beech tree to grow?

+1 vote
asked Oct 31, 2020 in Gardening by Dometstres (690 points)
How long does it take a beech tree to grow?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 31, 2020 by Larry S (42,350 points)
A Beech Tree grows slowly and it can take as long as 10 years for a Beech Tree to reach 2 feet high after it is seeded in the ground.

Then it can take 20 years for the Beech Tree to reach a height of 14 feet tall.

It can also take 40 years for the beech tree to grow 28 feet tall and as long as 80 years to for the beech tree to grow to a height of 48 feet tall.

The beech tree is a very slow growing tree so if you plant a seed for a beech tree you'll need to wait at least 10 years for the beech tree to get to 2 feet tall.

Beech Trees that grow in the US grow in places such as Texas and northern Florida.

The Beech Tree is a Tree that is native to North America as well as from Nova Scotia west to southern Ontario in southeastern Canada, west to Wisconsin and south to eastern Texas and northern Florida in the USA.

In the USA you'll find beech trees more commonly in Texas and Florida.

However you might rarely find the Beech Trees in other parts of the USA.

But naturally they grow in Texas and Florida.

Nova Scotia and Southern Ontario has quite a bit of Beech Trees if you want to see a lot of them then going to Nova Scotia or Southern Ontario would be the best places to see a lot of Beech Trees as they grow more commonly in those places.

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