Why are nursing homes so depressing?

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asked Oct 29, 2020 in Mental Health by list8ause (410 points)
Why are nursing homes so depressing?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 29, 2020 by JDepinto (1,040 points)
Nursing homes are depressing because of the reason people need to be in them.

People only go to nursing homes when they are no longer full of life and need care and are going to die soon in the nursing home.

Let's face it most people who go to nursing homes are not leaving the nursing home alive and going back home.

There are a few people who need to have a short term stay in the nursing home and then return to their regular home when they get better.

But most of the patients in nursing homes are there because they can no longer care for themselves and need 24 hours a day care.

I've volunteered in nursing homes before and they are not bright and cheery places like some advertisements would make you believe.

When the family is not around most of the nursing home nurses do not really care about the patients.

Patients are not cared for properly in nursing homes.

I refuse to ever go into a nursing home and if I got to that point of needing a nursing home I would rather do away with myself.

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