What is the first sign of throat cancer?

+1 vote
asked Oct 29, 2020 in Diseases Conditions by playlist4443 (910 points)
What is the first sign of throat cancer?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 5, 2020 by Kingpetch (3,570 points)
The first sign of throat cancer is usually a sore throat that gets worse and does not heal.

If you have a sore throat and it does not heal within a week or two weeks then it may be a sign of throat cancer.

Although it's not always the case.

The common signs and symptoms of throat cancer are symptoms which can occur in your mouth, sinuses, nose, or throat and include a sore or lump that doesn't heal, a persistent sore throat, trouble swallowing, and changes in the voice.

Throat cancer is deadly if not treated.

Sometimes throat cancer can be cured if it's caught soon enough but other times the throat cancer cannot be cured if it's progressed too far.

So always get checked out and tested just in case you have throat cancer.

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