How easy is it to get away with credit card fraud?

+1 vote
asked Oct 29, 2020 in Law & Legal by playlist4443 (910 points)
How easy is it to get away with credit card fraud?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 29, 2020 by Salmorejo (44,560 points)

For someone who is experienced it's very easy for the criminal to get away from credit card fraud.

When you steal someone's credit card information it's not easy to be tracked down because the person can hide behind VPN networks, use the dark web etc.

There's also skimmers where the credit card fraudster can skim your credit card information when they are standing next to you and you not even know it.

Then they can use your credit card number and information to steal money or sell your credit card numbers to other criminals.

Without a physical address or description of the person stealing the credit card information it's very hard to track them down and prosecute them.

Some credit card fraudsters do get caught but only few ever do.

So it's important to protect your credit card information.

Getting away with credit card fraud is pretty easy to do especially for an experienced person committing the credit card fraud.

Credit numbers and expiration dates, etc are all pretty easy to steal especially if you're a hacker.

Hackers have been able to hack into websites that store credit card information and then use that credit information to get money from the credit cards.

Also the people who commit credit card fraud check to make sure the credit card is active and then when they know for sure if it's a good credit card they either transfer money out of it to their bank account.

Or the credit card fraudster sells the credit card information online through the dark web.

they’ll take the legitimate numbers and do a couple of different things with them:

  • They’ll sell the number lists to other criminals
  • They’ll create fraudulent physical cards with the information to make retail purchases
  • They’ll try to socially engineer additional information to use the cards for wire transfers and cash advances

People who commit credit card fraud are pretty hard to track down as well so the police cannot do much about it.

Some people who commit credit card fraud may also be out of the country and not in the USA so if they are not in the same country then the USA police cannot do anything about it.

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