What is half of $130?

+1 vote
asked Oct 26, 2020 in Mathematics by yhwh (740 points)
What is half of $130?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 27, 2020 by Gracy (148,660 points)
Half of $130 or half of $130.00 is $65.00

$65.00 multiplied by 2 equals $130.00

Or $130.00 minus $65.00 equals out to be $65.00

So if you had to split $130.00 with someone you would give them $65.00 of the $130.00 and keep the other $65.00 for yourself.

The same is true for a half off sale of something that costs $130.00 the half off sale would mean you pay only $65.00

Or if you need to pay half of $130.00 on a bill then you would pay $65.00

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