Do pontoon boats hold their value?

+1 vote
asked Oct 26, 2020 in Water Sports by DarkieStarsy (550 points)
Do pontoon boats hold their value?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 30, 2020 by Cicero (4,320 points)
Pontoon boats do not hold their value.

When you buy a new pontoon boat you will never get back what you paid for it.

Pontoon boats depreciate just like cars do.

A pontoon boat loses quite a bit of value in the first 2 years of ownership but you do get plenty of value if you hold onto it and use it.

Pontoon boats can go in the ocean if you want to take your pontoon boat in the ocean.

Many people do take pontoon boats out on the ocean and they are built to be taken on the ocean.

Although most people take pontoon boats out on the lakes and rivers they are suited to go out into the ocean water.

The horsepower of a pontoon boat depends on the size of the pontoon boat.

The smallest pontoon boat has a horsepower of 115 horse power.

The largest pontoon boat has a horsepower of 200 + Horsepower.

If you don't need speed and just want a pontoon boat then a pontoon boat with a horsepower of 115 HP is usually more than enough for most people.

However if you do need more speed and want a larger horsepower pontoon boat then you would want to get a pontoon boat with 200 and above horsepower.

I've been on a pontoon boat that had 115 horse power and that was more than enough for me.

But they do come in more horsepower for the people who wants or needs the power.

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