What is the difference between USPS Parcel Select and retail ground?

+1 vote
asked Oct 26, 2020 in USPS by DarkieStarsy (550 points)
What is the difference between USPS Parcel Select and retail ground?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 26, 2020 by Chewybear196 (3,230 points)
The only real difference between USPS Parcel Select and Retail Ground is the Parcel Select is slower because the packages with USPS Parcel Select do not go onto airplanes while the USPS Retain Ground Packages do.

So that can make the USPS Parcel Select Ground Packages take a bit longer to reach the destination.

USPS Parcel Select is usually a bit slower than USPS Retail Ground as well.

USPS Parcel Select is sometimes slower than other shipping methods but I've always gotten the packages within a few days but it can depend on how far away you are from the sender of the package.

USPS Parcel Select Takes between 2 to 4 days to reach you once it's been shipped out.

USPS Parcel Select Takes about the same amount of time as regular parcels do through the USPS.

So you should receive your USPS Parcel Select Package within 2 to 4 days depending on how far you are from where the package was sent out from.

In rare cases it may take 7 days to get the USPS parcel select Package but I've always received my USPS parcel Select Packages within a few days to 4 days at most.

USPS Parcel Select ground shipping is not slow unless you compare it to USPS priority mail.

USPS Parcel Select Ground is a standard shipping service that delivers your mail within 2 to 4 days of the package being shipped out.

Priority mail is faster than USPS Parcel Select ground select service and takes around 1 to 2 days while USPS Parcel Select ground select usually takes a few additional days.

If you have something coming to you through USPS Parcel Select ground service then you should get the package within a few days.

The USPS Parcel Select ground is just a standard package shipping service through USPS and takes around the same time as UPS shipping and FedEx shipping.

It's just a cheaper alternative to other shipping services.

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