Can a 12 year old get married in the US?

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asked Oct 24, 2020 in Divorce & Marriage by Losartan (740 points)
Can a 12 year old get married in the US?

2 Answers

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answered Oct 24, 2020 by Jaybird (12,310 points)
25 states in the United States do allow 12 year olds to legally get married.

However for the 12 year old to legally get married in those states they must have both parents consent or the marriage cannot go through.

Most 12 year olds are not ready to really get married and it can be a huge mistake.

Marriage should not be taken lightly as it's a commitment and you should really love each other to get married.

Just like having babies and kids is a huge responsibility that should not be taken lightly marriage should never be taken lightly either.

To get married without parents consent you must be at least 18 years old or older but you can get married in some states at any age below 18 but you have to have parents signed consent.
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answered Oct 25, 2020 by Jeraldo (4,900 points)

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