Once you place an order from Yesstyle it can take 7 to 14 days to receive your order.
If what you ordered from Yesstyle was in stock the order usually ships within 24 hours of ordering the merchandise.
However it can take up to 3 to 4 days for some orders to be shipped when you order from Yesstyle if the merchandise is in another warehouse.
However most orders through Yesstyle ship within 24 hours of ordering as long as you order on a weekday.
If you order on the weekend or on a Friday night then the Yestyle order will not ship out until the following Monday which is the workday.
You should get your order from Yesstyle within 7 to 14 days but I've gotten orders within 3 days of ordering from Yesstyle.
Here's a link to Yesstyle customer support page that lists the shipping times.