In 2 miles there are 10,560 feet.
There are 10,560 feet in 2 miles.
For every 1 mile there are 5,280 feet so to figure out how many feet are in a certain amount of miles you take the 5,280 feet per every 1 mile and multiply it by the amount of miles to get your answer.
So for example in 11 miles there would be 58,080 feet in 11 miles of distance.
Every 1 mile of distance is calculated to be 5,280 feet.
So if you drive 1 mile you've drove a distance of 5,280 feet away which is a long way when you think about it.
1 mile seems like a short distance when driving that 1 mile but when walking that 1 mile will seem like 100 miles.
Even riding a bicycle 1 mile takes awhile to cover and to drive 11 miles takes around 16 minutes of driving time.