What's an example of emotional abuse?

0 votes
asked Oct 23, 2020 in Mental Health by lancelaws (660 points)
What's an example of emotional abuse?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 23, 2020 by Jamie (64,470 points)
An example of emotional abuse is verbal abuse or humiliation.

If you call someone names, put them down, humiliate them etc then that is emotional abuse of the child or adult.

A good example of emotional abuse is a bully that constantly calls you names, makes fun of you or tries to harm you with words.

That is emotional abuse and emotional abuse is just as bad as physical abuse is.

Emotional Abuse has led to some kids and teens and even adults committing suicide and I believe that people who emotionally abuse people should be guilty of a crime and be arrested for it.

Words do hurt even though some people say they do not.

Making fun of someone, constantly cursing them out and even putting the child or teen or adult down for mental health issues, disabilities or just because of the way they dress is a bad thing and should be a crime to make fun of people and emotionally abuse them.

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