Do professional painters work on other projects too apart from housework?

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asked Oct 23, 2020 in Maintenance/Repairs by CecilSchultz (200 points)
Do professional painters work on other projects too apart from housework?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 23, 2020 by Jamie (64,070 points)
Some professional painters do work on other projects apart from house painting.

However not all professional painters work on just houses and not all professional painters work on other projects.

It depends on their skill and what they advertise they do.

However some professional painters may work on other projects if you ask them.

But for example a house painter would not likely paint a car and then you would have to get a car painter for the car.

But it all depends on who you hire.

Some painters do more than just painting houses to keep their work flow going and to keep earning money.
0 votes
answered Mar 2, 2022 by EricRondo (1,080 points)

Artists, in general, are quite an interesting profession and there are many charismatic personalities among them. It helped me to get into this profession that I started doing it by buying goods in this store like soft toy kits. There turned out to be a lot of interesting and fascinating things for me. I think it will be interesting not only for me but also for others.

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