What is the knob on the bottom of an office chair for?

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asked Oct 21, 2020 in Employment & Careers by Squeakyse (660 points)
What is the knob on the bottom of an office chair for?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 22, 2020 by greenyglute (3,240 points)
The knob on the bottom of an office chair is for adjusting the tilt tension.

The tilt tension is for reclining back and forth for the back of the chair and the seat of the chair and the tighter the tension the less back and forth motion can be done to recline in the office chair.

As you loosen the tension the chair can be rocked back and forth easier.

The tilt tension knob on the bottom of the office chair is what enables the you to rock or recline backward to a set limit defined by the chairs mechanism or control plate.

The tilt tension adjustment is changed by turning a usually large round knob found underneath the seat toward the front of the chair.

As you tighten the knob it makes it so you cannot lean back or rock back and forth as easy and as you loosen the knob on the bottom of the chair it becomes easier to rock back and forth or lean back in the office chair.

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