Is it bad to take expired supplements?

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asked Oct 21, 2020 in Other- Health by Squeakyse (660 points)
Is it bad to take expired supplements?

3 Answers

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answered Oct 23, 2020 by Niko (18,430 points)
Taking expired supplements is not bad as the supplements do not really go bad.

Although supplements have an expiration date the expiration date just means it's not as fresh but even expired supplements are still safe to take.

You will not get sick or ill when taking expired supplements as the supplements do not really go bad.

The supplements may not be as effective as they would be if you took the supplements before expiration date.

But it's okay to take expired supplements if you want too.

I've taken expired supplements as well as expired aspirin as well as other expired medication and I've never gotten sick or harmed from the expired supplements or medication.

Expired medication and supplements are fine to take.
0 votes
answered Sep 5, 2022 by Luminoros (920 points)
I have such a problem - I need to buy vitamins to improve my health - my skin has become dry and cracking on my hands, and I do not like the condition of my hair. Who can tell me - what vitamins will improve my condition?
commented Sep 5, 2022 by Funtzer (980 points)
That's right, buy a complex and then you won't have any problems with your health. Especially in winter and spring our body always lacks vitamins. Or take peptides.
commented Sep 5, 2022 by Luminoros (920 points)
In any case, I would go to the clinic first to solve these health problems. I want to ask in advance what it is better to drink.
0 votes
answered Sep 5, 2022 by Funtzer (980 points)

If you don't have a skin problem, then it's an improper supply of vitamins in the body or a lack of them. Peptides will do a great job in this case. Here is the best site to buy peptides. I use it myself, I buy peptides as a whole course, for skin, immunity, nervous system, aging and other things. From aging they go on the basis of peptides and collagen, which will help stretch wrinkles and restore skin elasticity.

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