Is it OK to take Metamucil every day?

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asked Oct 19, 2020 in Other- Health by Vivjian (620 points)
Is it OK to take Metamucil every day?

2 Answers

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answered Oct 21, 2020 by Judy (56,120 points)
Yes it's OK to take Metamucil everyday.

There's no harm in taking Metamucil everyday and actually your health will benefit when taking Metamucil daily as the additional fiber helps keep your heart healthy and helps keep your bowels working properly.

Taking Metamucil everyday can help prevent constipation as well.

Yes Metamucil does make you poop and Metamucil does help you poop easier as well.

The Metamucil can help with constipation and help you poop because the Metamucil works by increasing the amount of water in your poop.

When you have more water in your poop it makes your poop softer and makes it easier for you to poop as well.

The Metamucil contains Psyllium which is one type of bulk-forming laxative which has been used for years to help relieve constipation.

Taking Metamucil daily can help keep you from becoming constipated and keep your bowels and colon clean and healthy.

The Psyllium Laxative has also been used along with diets to help treat high cholesterol.

If you have trouble with pooping or have hard poop then taking some Metamucil each day can help keep you pooping and help soften your poop.
0 votes
answered Oct 18, 2022 by Havingsaid (14,830 points)
Metamucil is a fiber supplement. Introduced in 1934 by G. D. Searle & Company, Metamucil was acquired by Procter & Gamble in 1985.

The name is a combination of the Greek word for change and the class of fiber that it utilizes.

Metamucil is used to treat constipation.

Taking metamucil increases the bulk in your stool, an effect that helps to cause movement of the intestines.

Metamucil also works by increasing the amount of water in the stool, making the stool softer and easier to pass.

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