What is the Value of PMP Certification in 2020?

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asked Oct 18, 2020 in Financial Aid by alexrussell130 (120 points)
Should I study for PMP Certification
commented Nov 7, 2020 by Donald Jenkins (100 points)
The PMP Certification exam is indeed a difficult one to crack. Not because of the knowledge and vast curriculum one has to cover, but because it doesn't only test your knowledge, but also your ability to apply that knowledge in different practical situations. What makes it appear harder at the present time is that there is limited study material, simulation questions, and study resources for the new exam. There are about 8 different large textbooks (including PMBoK) which are inputs to the exam. You may need to read through them to capture the knowledge you need. It becomes difficult to trust online sources available for free test papers, so I enrolled with SPOTO, one of my friend suggested me SPOTO. They claim 100% guarantee students will clear PMP certification exam in first attempt with SPOTO study material and test papers. They also offer some free services also to check the accuracy so you can check that on their website.

2 Answers

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answered Oct 18, 2020 by 12345ismyssnnumber (1,610 points)
If you're interested in becoming a Project Management Professional and are wanting to work in that field then yes you should study for PMP Certification.

The PMP Certification will be of high value for many years as the job growth for PMP certified people and Project Management Professionals will be in demand for years.

Over the years and up until 2027 which is the next 7 years it's expected that there will be a need for at least 88 million project management professionals by employers.

So if you can study for a PMP Certification it can be and will be worth it.

The average annual salary for a Project Management Professional is around $112,000.00 per year so it's a good career to get into and pays really good.
0 votes
answered Oct 2, 2024 by Gonzalio (1,020 points)

A few years back, I was in a similar boat—working in a different field but feeling the pull towards project management. I totally agree that pursuing pmp certification is a solid move if you're looking to step into project management. After getting my PMP, I was amazed at how much it opened up opportunities for me. Not only did my confidence skyrocket, but I also started networking with some incredible professionals in the industry. It’s true what they say about the demand; I've noticed so many companies actively seeking certified professionals. Plus, the salary potential is a big bonus!

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