How many 16 oz bottles does it take to make 1 gallon?

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asked Oct 17, 2020 in Mathematics by Jamminjammie (4,130 points)
How many 16 oz bottles does it take to make 1 gallon?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 18, 2020 by gharrison (1,530 points)
It takes eight 16 oz bottles to make 1 gallon.

There are 128 ounces of liquid in 1 gallon of liquid so to equal 1 gallon with 16 ounce bottles you would need 8 of those 16 oz bottles.

If you have 8 ounce bottles then it would take 16 of those 8 ounce bottles to make 1 gallon.

There are always 128 ounces in 1 gallon.

So to find out how many bottles of a size you have to make 1 gallon you take the size of the bottle and multiply that by the number needed to get 128 ounces.

In 2 gallons there are 256 ounces.

In 4 gallons there are 512 ounces and so on and so forth.

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