My parents are forcing me to wear diapers?

+1 vote
asked Oct 12, 2020 in AB/DL by Tipsease (260 points)
My parents are forcing me to wear diapers?

I'm 13 years old and my parents are forcing to wear diapers all the time because I wet the bed?

I only need to wear the diapers at night but since I wet the bed my parents are making me wear diapers to bed as well as during the day?

I can longer use the toilet and must use my diapers for pee and poop and the bathroom is locked and my underwear was taken away from me.

At home I must wear only the diaper in the house with just a shirt and socks if I want but no pants are allowed over my diaper.

I'm not allowed to even change my own diaper and cannot ask for a diaper change and when we go in public my mom peeks in the back of my pants to see if my diaper has poop.

She changes my diaper in public as well.

I wear a Size 7 Pampers Cruisers Diaper.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 12, 2020 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
Wearing diapers for bed wetting is a good idea and I agree with your parents that they should make you wear diapers in the day as well.

Although you don't wet in the day and only at night you should be in diapers full time as they are a much more convenient way of peeing and pooping.

Diapers are much better than using a toilet anyway and I now as an adult wear diapers day and night full time and no longer use the toilet.

Eventually you should get used to wearing the diapers and using them and I'm sure you'll eventually love wearing the diapers all the time.

I wished my parents would've made me wear diapers all the time for my bed wetting but they did not.

I love being in just my diaper, shirt and sometimes socks and shoes and it feels great.

If I have kids they are gonna be in diapers full time as well as long as they live with me and we won't have a toilet in our house.

Pampers Cruisers size 7 diapers are a great and fun diaper to wear.

Enjoy them and enjoy the diapers and diaper changes as they are much better than wearing regular underwear.
0 votes
answered Dec 27, 2020 by diaperboy12 (1,200 points)

I wish my parents would force me to wear diapers.

I love to wear diapers and like to sit on the floor and play in my diapers like the boy below.

His parents are forcing him to wear diapers as well and I so wish it were me.

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